Nose Surgery

Ideal Candidates for Nose surgery

  1. Unhappy with the natural shape of nose
  2. Facing breathing problems
  3. Overall good health
  4. Have realistic expectations

Benefits of Nose surgery treatment

  1. Reshaping of the nasal tip
  2. Correct myriad problems such as crooked nose or bulbous tip
  3. Correct congenital malformations of the nose
  4. Reverse the effect of prior unsuccessful nose surgery
  5. Fix breathing problems
  6. Improve injury related nasal deformities


Nose surgery is a treatment to correct injury related nasal deformities and balance nasal proportions. Nose surgeries comprises of a variety of surgeries that includes tip surgery to correct bulbous, nasal flaring, and wide tip, nasal hump correction, enhancement of nasal bridge, reduction of the width of the nose by osteotomies, breathing difficulties will be solved by septum repositioning.

Post Procedure Care

Proper medication and follow-ups as scheduled by the plastic surgeon will help to monitor the recovery after the treatment. Patients may feel discomfort because of facial swelling and headache but doctors at Aestiva clinic will help patients to minimize their level of discomfort. Heavy exercises should be avoided to not put any kind of pressure on the treated areas. Ice packs or cold compress can be applied to reduce swelling.

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