Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Male breasts are flatter than female breasts because of less amounts of glandular tissues and fat. Unfortunately, many males have female-like breasts because of surplus glandular tissue in their breast’s pectoral area. Such males with enlarged breasts usually feel embarrassed and distressed and so avoid socialising. They become low in confidence and esteem because of their chest appearance.

If you are one of those men who have enlarged breasts, you are said to suffer from a condition called gynecomastia. In this article, you can have a complete understanding of male breast reduction or Gynecomastia in Delhi with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma. By educating yourselves you can address the stigma surrounding your condition and get necessary support and treatment to lead a better life quality. Continue reading to learn about gynecomastia and how to overcome it.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, commonly referred to as male boobs, is a condition that increases the glandular tissues in men and makes the breasts enlarged. It can affect males of all ages, from adolescent boys to old adult males. The condition has a significant impact on one’s body image and self-esteem. To improve the affected individual’s life quality, it is important to understand the cause of gynecomastia and seek proper treatment for it.

What are the causes of gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts?

Gynecomastia can be caused by:

  • Hormonal imbalance- An increase in es-trogen (female s-ex hormone) and a decline in testo-sterone (male se-x hormone) can stimulate glandular tissues to grow. This causes gynecomastia to develop. Such hormonal changes can occur during adolescence, hormonal therapy, or intake of certain medications.
  • Genetic predisposition- Some males have a genetic makeup such that they are more likely to develop gynecomastia.
  • Certain medications- Side effects of medications like anti-androgens, antidepressants, and some anabolic steroids can lead to gynecomastia. 
  • Lifestyle choices- Poor lifestyle choices or habits like drinking excess alcohol, drug abuse, and having an unhealthy diet can all lead to gynecomastia. As per Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, many males living in Delhi and metropolitan states are suffering from Gynecomastia in Delhi or enlarging breast issues because of their poor life choices. They can address it by consulting a plastic surgeon who performs gynecomastia surgery near me.

What are the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia?

The noticeable sign of gynecomastia is the appearance of female-like breasts in men. Initially, the growth of the glandular tissues in male breasts appears as a thick, firm lump below the areola and nipple.

The extent of expansion of the breast tissues and the enlargement of the breasts in men ranges from mild to severe. There are four stages/grades of gynecomastia, with varying symptoms:

  • Grade 1: Minimal breast enlargement without extra skin
  • Grade 2a: Moderate breast enlargement without extra skin
  • Grade 2b: Moderate breast enlargement with extra skin
  • Grade 3: Significant breast enlargement with extra skin.

The physical signs of gynecomastia vary among men. The gynecomastia-affected men usually report experiencing breast tenderness, swollen or puffy nipples, increased sensitivity in the breast area, sore and painful breasts, and fluid discharge from nipples.

Male breast gynecomastia can occasionally affect one breast and lead to asymmetrical breasts. Some males may experience psychological symptoms including anxiety, shame, and self-consciousness.

What are the treatment options for gynecomastia men?

Men gynecomastia treatment ranges from medications to lifestyle changes and surgery. Every stage of gynecomastia does not demand surgical intervention. Mild cases of gynecomastia are treatable with hormonal therapy or hormone-based medications or else with lifestyle modifications.

For men who have enlarged breasts primarily because of surplus breast fat, they are recommended for liposuction. Liposuction is a minimally invasive technique wherein stubborn fat deposits are removed from the breasts through tiny incisions.

A severe case of gynecomastia is only treated with a male breast reduction surgery.

What to expect in a gynecomastia operation?

In gynecomastia operation, a plastic surgeon gets rid of extra breast tissue and fat through excess glandular tissue removal and liposuction technique. The overall surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes anywhere between 1 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the operation.

Following the operation, the patient can experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort which can be relieved using painkillers. To help with the healing, the patient is asked to wear a compression garment for a few days. Proper recovery and long-lasting optimal results are only achievable if the patient follows the surgeon’s recommended aftercare instructions.

Can gynecomastia resolve on its own?

Teenagers who have gynecomastia can have their condition naturally recede in 6 months to 3 years after their first appearance. However, if they have gynecomastia persisting for a long time, the condition may be chronic. In such cases, it is advised to consult a gynecomastia specialist to diagnose the issue and receive a long-term solution to it.  

Where to get the best treatment for gynecomastia?

If your search is for the best gynecomastia surgery near me, end your search here at Aestiva Clinic. At the clinic, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a top-notch gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi. She is renowned for delivering optimal results of male breast reduction. She shows great dedication to deeply understanding gynecomastia and developing surgical techniques to fix it.  She also holds more than a decade of experience in performing gynecomastia surgery on thousands of males of all ages.    

What is the gynecomastia Surgery cost?

Gynecomastia Cost in Delhi Ranges From Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000

The male breast reduction or Gynecomastia cost in Delhi varies from one patient to another based on the work required to achieve their goals and other factors. The factors include the surgical procedure performed, the surgeon’s fees, the facilities at the clinic, anesthesiologist fees, pre-surgical and post-surgical consultations, and other additional costs.

You can consult Dr. Mrinalini Sharma to get a detailed, researched quote for your treatment of gynecomastia. 

Do not allow gynecomastia to affect you any longer. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma today and pursue your deserved personalised gynecomastia treatment without straining your budget.

We look forward to welcoming new patients to our practice.